Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018)

The Arrested Lawyers Initiative updated its new report entitled  “Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018).”

According to the report, 1546 Turkish lawyers have been prosecuted and 594 lawyers have been arrested since 2016 July. And so far, 216 Turkish lawyers have been sentenced to 1361 years in prison by the first instance courts under article 314 of the Turkish Penal Code.


The report reveals that all persecuted lawyers are being charged with terror-linked offenses; the main two accusations directed against them are membership to an armed terrorist organisation, and forming and leading an armed terrorist organisation. Article 314 of the Penal Code criminalises the establishment and commanding of (Article 314/1), as well as membership (Article 314/2) to an armed organisation. Under the Turkish Penal Code, these two offences attract 7,5 to 22,5 years imprisonment.

To read and download the report, click here

Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018).”

Categories: Reports, Unjust / Wrongful Convictions

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  1. Turkey/Armenia: Lawyer says he could be victim of assassination attempt by ‘deep forces’ | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  2. Turkey: Updated Report: Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers | Unjust Arrests and Convictions (2016-2018) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  3. Turkey: DAY OF THE ENDANGERED LAWYER – 24 January 2019 Solidarity with Turkish lawyers: Basic report | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  4. UK/Turkey: Day of the Endangered Lawyer: 24 January 2019 (London) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  5. Spain/Turkey: Dia des Abogado Amenazado (Madrid) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  6. Turkey: Day of the Endangered Lawyer (Istanbul) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  7. Germany/Turkey: Day of the Endangered Lawyer (Berlin) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  8. Italy/Turkey: Giornata Internationale Dell’Avvocato Minacciato (Venezia) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
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  11. Italy/Turkey: Giornata internazionale degli avvocati in pericolo (Roma) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  12. Canada/Turkey: Lawyers in Turkey Under Attack Seminar | Event | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  13. Belgium/Turkey: Journée de l’avocat en danger (Bruxelles) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  14. Turkey: Tehlikedeki Avukatlar Günü (Istanbul) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  15. France/Turkey: Jeudi 24 janvier 2019 : 9e Journée de l’avocat en danger (Paris) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
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  19. Germany/Turkey: “Tehlikedeki Avukatlar Günü” için Hamburg’da miting çağrısı | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
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  22. France/Turkey: “La situation des avocats en Turquie” (Bordeaux) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
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  27. Greece/Turkey: Εκδήλωση για τις διώξεις δικηγόρων και δικαστών στην Τουρκία | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  28. Our Statement on the Occasion of Day of the Endangered Lawyers – The Arrested Lawyers Initiative
  29. Australia/Turkey: Bringing awareness to ‘Endangered Lawyer’ day | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
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  32. Turkey: Tehlikedeki Avukatlar Günü/Day of the Endangered Lawyer 2019 (2) | IAPL Monitoring Committee on Attacks on Lawyers
  33. 'Incarceration of Turkish Lawyers' rapport - VERZWEGEN TURKIJE

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